I wanted my first ever blog message to be special but since I have nothing special in my mind right now, I'll just write something to get this thing started...
I have never liked hanging in the internet, chatting, or what ever people are doing nowadays. Don't get me wrong I use internet a lot and I work in IT. I have even dated few guys from the internet date sites (although they were both bastards who were hooked up with their internet date success among naive, true love seeking women). But I just don't see the point of spending your time in the internet or having a second life there. What's wrong with the reality? After eight to ten hours staring at a PC screen at work, I don't have enthusiasm to continue that at home. One reason why I don't like chatting might also be that I have become estranged from the language. When I last time tried to join some conversation I couldn't understand a thing they were saying. I can't stand all the abbreviations people use in chats. I think it's a bit artificial. Are you really rolling on the floor laughing out loud? Or could you just say that haa haa, that was funny dude...? If you are into the chat slang do you know what ROTFLBTCDICAJTTWADBSIHPWTRHITSBKABAYB means? If not, visit http://www.urbandictionary.com/ like I do if some sucker writes me a message and has no words to express his/her feelings. When I was young (really young) we had this code language with one of my friends that no one else could understand but two of us (yeah right!). We only said the first two letters of each words and that was so cool. Kind of reminds me of the chat slang. And I do give the pleasure of this code language to the teenagers but others, grow up!
In addition to chatting I don't understand most of these blogs. Some are really useful like recipe blogs, but some are just incomprehensible. Like:
  • "happy happy, joy joy" blogs: my life is so fab and I'm so happy all the time and I have a perfect boyfriend and we go to concerts, museums and picnics and I have a best ever job in a well know media company where I can perfectly express myself and my hobbies are jooga and salsa and photographing and I love to travel and  next week we are going to Bahama and in autumn to New York and in winter  I don't know yet, maybe to India. = I'll write anything to get my friends jealous.
  • "ranteet auki" blogs: I couldn't sleep last night either, I think I have to get a prescription for sleeping pills, I already take pills for depression and anxiety, but now I just lie in bed at nights feeling numb, feeling nothing at all and I can't take it any more. = I'll write anything to get your attention.
  • Diary blogs: Today I did this with X and it was quite an interesting night. Can't say more in here. I'll tell more live. = Keeping an open diary for friends, thinking everyone likes to know every detail of your week, but not be able to say what you really think because everybody is reading your blog.
That's why I wanted to create an anonymous blog. To be able to write about things I never say aloud, maybe the same things you never say aloud. I'll write in English so I can practise my vocabulary so there's some benefit of writing a blog that no one ever reads. Writing a blog is always egoistic. Why do you think people care? Friends maybe but strangers? Why do I think people care and read my blog? Why do I even write considering things I just wrote? Maybe because the innermost reason for hanging in the internet is to share thoughts without the restrictions of the real life. There's no other forum where I could talk about these things. Or maybe I'm just curious to see does my thoughts gain any publicity. I thirst for your attention, please give it to me!